Nomadic Noles

Organization: Nomadic Noles is a publication created by the Florida State University Editing, Writing, and Media International Program to cover the adventuress of studying abroad in Spain.

Situation: I studied abroad with the FSU EWM program for one summer and participated in its yearly publication through my coursework. The following summer, the pandemic hit so there was not an issue produced.

Impact: I wrote an article and designed the spread for my article. After participating in the program, I got an internship under the same professor at the English Department. I pitched and later executed the idea of creating a special 2020 issue that highlighted where alumni of the program were up to now and reflecting on the program. I contacted, organized, and set deadlines, wrote, edited, and designed this special issue.

Writer, Editor, Designer

The Work

Issue 06 can be viewed here and Issue 07 can be viewed here. To the right are highlights from both issues.

  • Been around the block by me (06)

  • Reflections section by me (07)

  • From studying abroad to permeant resident (07)